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Entrepreneur Premises Complex

FlexiCredit Gateway Finance's Entrepreneur Premises Complex (EPC) is an initiative to provide suitable and affordable factory lots for budding Bumiputera SMEs looking to grow their businesses to the next level while improving productivity and operational efficiency.

Each tenant is supervised by dedicated EPC team who provides value added services that includes specific intervention initiatives with the objective of helping the entrepreneurs to grow and sustain their businesses.


  • Strategic Location
  • Non Gated and Gated with security for selected EPCs
  • Business Coaching, Entrepreneurship Training & Intervention programmes by CEDAR
  • Small Business Financing (SBF) opportunity. 


  • The Company has been in operations for a minimum of 2 years.
  • The Company has been registered under the Companies Commission Act 2001 or Co-operative Societies Act 1993 (Amendment 2007).
  • Bumiputera status company.

Who is eligible for this relief assistance?

  • All existing tenants whose businesses are affected by the Covid-19 outbreak at the FlexiCredit Gateway Finance's Entrepreneur Premises Complexes.

What are the assistance offered to the tenants?

  • Deferment of rental payments of up to six (6) months effective 1 April 2020;
  • Rescheduling of outstanding rental payments for amount less than $10,000, on case-to-case basis